NKO (newcomer education) / ISK (international transition class)

Parents of children new to the Netherlands can choose which school to register their children at. If the children do not yet speak Dutch, it is advisable to attend a school where they receive Dutch language support.

There are schools or separate classes in the Netherlands that teach newcomers in particular. The options are:

  • International schools. Click here for more information
  • Newcomers school. These schools are mainly meant for students who wants to go to a Dutch school and are older than 5-6 years old. The aim is for students to be transferred to mainstream education after a period in the newcomers school.  
    • In primary education, these schools are often called 'newcomer schools' or 'language schools.'
      • De Wereldwijzer is a newcomers school for primary educuation in Eindhoven 
      • KC Mozaiek is a newcomers school for primary eduaction in Helmond
      • De Opstap is a newcomers school for primary school in Maarheeze
    • In secondary education, schools for newcomers are called 'international transition classes,' abbreviated to 'ISK' or 'EOA' . 
  • Schools with language classes/bridging classes. This are regular Dutch schools which offers extra Dutch lessons (NT2 / Taalklas).
  • Regular schools without a language class, but which can provide sufficient guidance to a newcomer.

The last two options are not mentioned on the Lowan website. The advise is to contact the schools in your area and see what is their advice and what they think what's best for your child.

As a teacher on RISE I like to tell you more about the different possibilities to integrate into the dutch education system in relation to the Dutch language.

LOWAN (Landelijk Onderwijs Aan Nieuwkomers or National Education for Newcomers) focuses on supporting newcomers in the Dutch education system. You can search for a school with a newcomer program through the LOWAN database. Newcomer classes are usually organized in a regular school, but in some cases, there is even a separate school for newcomers.

Even if a school is not in the LOWAN database, it can often still provide support for newcomers. We therefore recommend seeking information from the school of your choice.

Newcomer classes aim to provide intensive language support. Pupils not only learn the Dutch language but are also taught other subjects. In addition, newcomer classes focus on teaching Dutch culture and society so pupils can integrate better. The aim is for pupils to be transferred to mainstream education after a period in the newcomer class once they have developed sufficient language skills to participate in mainstream classes.

EOA (First Reception of Non-native Speakers) / ISK (International Transition Class)

The EOA/ISK is a form of education designed for non-native speaking young people between the ages of 12 and 18 who come from different cultures with mother tongues other than Dutch and who have an insufficient level of the Dutch language.

The EOA/ISK education offers an NT2 program, which stands for Dutch as a second language. The program usually lasts 2 years, but it depends on the student's progress in the Dutch language.
In this program, students receive education in the Dutch language and culture and subjects such as mathematics, ICT, physical education, arts and culture, English, and citizenship. In the final phase, students are also prepared for regular secondary subjects and assigned to learning pathways.
After completing the EOA/ISK program, students receive a school recommendation and proceed to regular secondary education, MBO, HBO, or university, or transition to (supported) work.
The education team determines where students proceed and records this in an outflow recommendation. The school supports students during the transition.
Below, you will find the links to the 4 EOAs in the Brainport region:
  • PIUS X for students aged 12 to 18 living in Bergeijk, Bladel, Cranendonck, Eersel, Heeze-Leende, Oirschot, Reusel-De Mierden, Valkenswaard, Veldhoven, or Waalre.
  • Stedelijk College – Global College for students aged 12 to 16 living in Eindhoven, Best, Nuenen, or Son en Breugel.
  • Summa - VOAT for students aged 15.5 to 18 living in the municipality of Eindhoven, Best, Nuenen, or Son en Breugel.
  • Jan van Brabant College – Gasthuisstraat for students aged 12 to 18 living in Helmond, Deurne, Asten, Someren, Geldrop-Mierlo, Gemert-Bakel, or Laarbeek.
Students can register via the websites of the respective EOA/ISK. You can find the EOA/ISK contact information on the respective website. Municipalities or other secondary schools in the Brainport region can also assist with registration.