Diploma NFQ(link is external) EQF(link is external) Comparable to NLQF(link is external) EQF

Junior Certificate

3 2 a diploma 2 2
Leaving Certificate - Leaving Certificate Applied (LCA) programme 4 3 an diploma level 2 or 3 2 or 3 2 or 3

Leaving Certificate - Leaving Certificate Established (LCE) programme:

  • at least 5 subjects of the LCE programme;
  • including 5 subjects with at least O6 or H7; and
  • at least 200 CAO points.
5 4 a diploma 4 4

Leaving Certificate - Leaving Certificate Established (LCE) programme:

  • at least 6 subjects of the LCE programme;
  • including at least 2 subjects with H5 or higher;
  • 4 subjects with at least O6 or H7; and
  • at least 350 CAO points.
5 4 a diploma 4+ 4

Leaving Certificate - Leaving Certificate Vocational Programme (LCVP):

  • at least 5 subjects and the Link Modules;
  • including 5 subjects with at least O6 or H7; and
  • at least 200 CAO points.
5 4 a HAVO diploma 4 4

Leaving Certificate - Leaving Certificate Vocational Programme (LCVP):

  • at least 6 subjects and the Link Modules;
  • including at least 2 subjects with H5 or higher;
  • 4 subjects with at least O6 or H7; and
  • at least 350 CAO points.
5 4 a VWO diploma 4+ 4
Level 5 Certificate 5 4 an MBO diploma level 4 4 4
Level 6 Advanced Certificate 6 4 1 year of 5 5
Higher Certificate 6 5 2 years of HBO or 1 year of 5 5
Ordinary bachelor’s degree 7 6

3 years of HBO or 2 years of WO

6 6
Honours bachelor’s degree 8 6 an HBO bachelor's degree or a WO bachelor's degree 6 6
Master’s degree 9 7 an HBO master's degree or a WO master's degree 7 7
Master of Philosophy 9 7 a WO master's degree 7 7